March 2020 Developer Update

Hey FLIR developers,

Wow, how things have shifted in the month since I last posted.   The global COVID-19 pandemic is affecting nearly everybody, everywhere in some way and I sincerely hope you’re all safe, healthy, and secure wherever you may be.  Here are a few quick updates for you from the FLIR mobile developer program:

For starters, we’re announcing today the release of version 1.1.1 of the FLIR Mobile SDK – it’s available now for download from the Mobile SDK page on the developer site.  As you’ll see in the release notes we’ve fixed a lot of your reported issues reported with this new release and I hope it serves you well.  You’ll also see that we have our eyes on some outstanding bugs and we’re already working on version 1.2.0 that will resolve those as well.  If you have feedback on this release or need technical support please submit a help ticket here so we can get the team on it right away.  As always you can still post your questions or comments on the developer forum too – some of your peers may be willing and able to help and we also still monitor it closely.


Still developing and supporting apps based on the legacy FLIR ONE SDK? 

Recently released version 3.1.4 of the Android SDK fixed issues with Android 9 and compatibility with the CAT S60 and S61 devices and version 3.2.3 of the iOS SDK fixed several user-reported bugs and addressed hardware and OS compatibility issues. We’ll continue supporting the FLIR ONE SDK until at least mid-year, but you should be planning to cut over to the FLIR Mobile SDK as soon as feasible.

About those ideas for mobile thermal medical apps...

I love the fact that so many of you are thinking about creative ways to use thermal imaging to help screen for COVID-19, but I want to be really up front about what can and can’t be done.  Here’s the official FLIR position on using thermal imaging for screening for elevated temperatures, please check it out.  Straight up, the FLIR ONE family using the Lepton sensor doesn’t have the precision or accuracy to be used for reliable temperature screening and our SDK license agreement prohibits using our SDKs that way – check out this video shows how “screening mode” works on some of those cameras like the E95 and T540.


So, what other cool mobile thermal apps are you cooking up? 

Drop me a note at [email protected], I’d love to hear about it!


Happy developing,


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